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Showing posts from October, 2009

Dotnet, .Net 3.5, 2.0, C# Interview Questions

Few questions on dotnet, C# 2.0, 3.5 On Object oriented concepts 1)What is inheritance with e.g 2)What is polymorphism -function overloading -Function overriding -virtual keyword use -Static keyword and use -Abstract classes -Interface -Object 3)What is threading and how do we use in realtime application(cognizant) 4)What is threadpooling, lock, monitor(write code sample) 5)Architecture of current project 6)Session state, diffrent types of state management. 7)What is Application_Start, how it works. 8)Type of authentication in 9)How to configure ASP.NET application. 10) What is Impersonation. 11) What is WebService, WSDL, UDDI, Discovery, asmx files. 12) How to implement WebService and use it. 13) When to use WebServices. 14) WPF, how to implement(BOA) 15) Testing concvepts. 16) Test attributes 17) Flow of Automation Test Method execution 18) Features of dotnet 3.5 19) CLR, garbage collection 20) Finally block 21) Manifest, Metadata, MSIL 22) Assemblies, Type of assemblies, str

Virtual Table *_vptr , VTBL, C++

VTBL or VPTR nothing but virtual table and virtual pointer in C++. It gets created when we create function with virtual keyword. As soon as we create the virtual function in a class A table gets created behind the code. BaseClass { virtual void function1(){...} } ChildClass : public BaseClass { virtual void function1(){...}// method overridden. } When we override method that is create another version of function in derived class ChildClass in above case then the *_vptrvirtual void function1(){...}// method overridden. gets created for BaseClass. So VTBL Of Base Class has entry for function1 and Child class will be pointing to that function. *_vptr is nothing but the pointer to function. Note: ones the virtual keyword is introduced all the upcoming functions are considered as virtual. ChildClass: public BaseClass { virtual void function1(){...}// method overridden. void function2(){} } In above case function2 also considered as virtual. BaseClass will not be pointing t